Help and advice for Publicans and Bar owners

Pubs in the UK before Coronavirus caused the temporary closure were already in some cases in a precarious financial situation.

Typical issues we deal with when a Publican or Bar owner seeks out advice are :

  • Inflexible leases and tenancy agreements
  • A rise in the duty on alcohol
  • Drinking trends changing affecting business
  • Rising costs of employment

All of above is now compounded by the enforced closure due to Covid-19 and the lack of clarity as to when normal business can possibly go some way to resuming.
As more time passes Publicans and Bar owners are now seeking advice in the event of their business no longer being financially viable.
We have advised many businesses in this sector.
For your free initial consultation please call us today on 0800 865 4068 or email us on

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How We Work

Make Your enquiry either via telephone, by completing the form or via Live chat
Following your enquiry you will have a free consultation
Once we ascertain your situation we can move forward swiftly with implementing your solution.

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